
The Power of Positive Self Talk

Hello CJs

Last night we had guests for an informal barbecue. We sat talking of how they were learning ways to be more positive/techniques for relaxing/clearing their minds. We talked about positive self-talk. Once again I got to show how the simple arm test demonstrates how positive statements strengthen you/negative ones weaken you. I recounted a story of a program I did at Graterford Prison with Lifers who were very big! I picked a 7 ft man. They were all laughing wondering how little ole me was going to take this guys arm down. Took that arm right down! He looked at his fellow inmates and said, “Whatever she says, listen or you will have to deal with me! And these were the biggest bullies of all.

Thanks for joining me on my Stop Bullying Blog. Please share your comments with me.

Have a great day, Karen

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