
A Second Chance

Hello CJs,

Today I was having a conversation with a very dear friend about my stop bullying blog and my commitment to creating emotionally safe environments for children. As I have written before, I was bullied for many years. I spent many years in counseling. I experienced periods of time in my life when my life was run by desperateness, neediness and anxiety. My only safe environment was home alone. And I segregated myself from life a great deal. And each time I decided to risk it again, I would experience the same feelings and step back into segregated safe place of mine.

I did a process called EMDR and reprocessed all those negative belief systems and my life as I knew it changed. However, I suffered a great deal of emotional pain and that doesn’t have to happen today if we raise children to be emotionally intelligent. I am emotionally intelligent now.

My dear friend and I spoke today of my getting a second chance at life. I feel that way. But so many do not and we lose too many of our adults to unhappiness due to the negative voices that have plagued them since childhood.

Stand with me and please share my stop bullying blog with all the people you feel can help us to begin raising a new generation of children…a new generation of CJs…Creators of Joy.


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