Classic hula hoop toss game but with a Hawaiian theme!
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Classic hula hoop toss game but with a Hawaiian theme!
Call 800-923-4386 or Email for a quote.
Roll ball in to numbered slots. If it adds up to above 30 or below 11, you are a winner!
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Toss a plastic ring onto one of the necks of the Coke bottles to win.
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This game is a cross between pool and mini golf. Using a pool stick hit the cue ball into the hole to win.
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Slide the puck to knock over the plastic pins set on a rod in a six foot long wooden frame.
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Players throw mini footballs through hole in colorfully painted wooden game, featuring a football receiver.
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This game is just like Plinko. Players drop quarters into the game and watch them bounce off the metal pegs hoping one bounces into the clown’s mouth to win.
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Toss bean bags or whiffle balls into mouth of clown painted on upright freestanding wooden game board.
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